1. Award Scheme-I :Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Child/Young Scientist Award

2. Award Scheme-II :Dr.SarvepalliRadhakrishna Best Teacher Award

3. Award Scheme-III :Life Time Achievement Certificate of Appreciation Award

4. Award Scheme-IV :Best Author / Article Representation Award

5. Award Scheme –V :Talent Search Examination Award

6. Award Scheme- VI: Best Demonstration Award

7. Award Scheme- VII: Seminars Conference Participation Award


The main objective of Child /Young Scientist Scheme (CYSS) is to provide quick research support to youngscientists (employed/unemployed/ Students) for pursuing exciting and innovative research ideas and thereby to involve them in national S&T development process. This scheme is useful for child /young scientists to pursue their bright ideas in newly emerging frontier areas of research in science and technology, to work for integrated research programme involving interdisciplinary fields and to acquire experience in themanagement of a project.
The aim of the scheme is to encourage the Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Child /Young Scientist / Dr Sarwapalii Radha Krishna Best teacher Awards / Life-Time Achievement / Certificate of Appreciation / Best Authors, Awards/ (Senior Faculty/Young Faculty) Best Article Representation Awards/ Talent Search Examination Awards/ Best Demonstration Awards/ Seminar Conference Certification/ Membership Certification Etc. of the State to take up research studies in emerging and frontier areas of Science &Technology related to theirfield. The research is expected to provide the candidates with an opportunity to work with the latest equipment’s and facilities under the well-known experts. It is believed that such an exposure will equip the research to initiate independently advanced research programmes in their respective institutions.

Purpose of Awards

The objective of the scheme is to encourage child/ young scientists to make outstanding achievements in research and development for technology development in Science and Technology. The contributions should be in form of outstanding research publications in the field followed by patents development and also for their efforts of translating their innovation into prototype development for commercialization. To recognize the talented young scientists who have shown extraordinary originality and dedication in their research programs. They should have exceptional creativity based on a track record of significant contribution to research and potential to facilitate the use of their expertise to further high-qualityresearch in Science and Technology.


We, the Fellows/Life members of The Multidimensional Educational Technical and Research Society. Name :………………………………………………Date of Birth :………………. Position :…………………………Address : ……….……………………………… For the Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Child /Young Scientist / DrSarwapaliiradha Krishna Best teacher Awards/ Life-Time Achievement / Certificate of Appreciation / Best Authors, Awards/ (Senior Faculty/Young Faculty) Best Article Representation Awards/ Talent Search Examination Awards/ Best Demonstration Awards/ Seminar Conference Certification/ Membership Certification Etc. Multidimensional Educational Technical and Research Society of year 20…OR election as the Fellow/Honorary Fellow/Overseas Fellowof the Society for the year 20…(whichever is applicable).

Proposer Seconder
Signature: …………………………….. ……Signature: ………………………………..
Name: ……………………………………… Name ………………………………………
Address: …………………………………… Address: ……….……………………………
Date:………….…………………………….. Date: …………..………………………..…..
Station:……………………………………... Station: ……………………………….……..
Head of Institutes/Eminent Scientists/CEO, etc.
Notes: 1.The proposer should preferably belong to the same field of specialization as the nominee and he/she shall certify that he/she is personally acquainted with the scientific work of the candidate.
2. Proposer must sign on the nomination paper. The seconder may either sign on the nomination paper or write letter to the proposer, which should be sent to Multidimensional Educational Technical and Research Society Office by the proposer along with the nomination form.
3. Deadline to receive the soft copy of the nomination as a single PDF file + score sheet as a separate file by email at multidsociety86@gmail.comStatement by the proposer mentioning the significant contribution, invention or other contributions made by the nominee in Multidimensional Educational Technical and Research Society. Areas of specialization (mention maximum Four)

1. :-………………………………………………………………………………..
2. :-……………………………………………………………………………….
3. :-………………………………………………………………………………
4. :- ………………………………………………………………………………
Nomination to be considered for: Area-:- ………………………………………
(Please mention one area of Science below)

PART A: Biographic Sketch of the Nominee
(Please print or write in capital letters only)

1. Name:……………………………………………………..
2. Designation:……………………………………………….
3. Date of birth:………………………………………………
4. Nationality:………………………………………………..
5. Membership no of Society:……………………………….
6. Official address (with telephone, fax & email):…………..
7. Residential address:……………………………………….
8. Educational qualifications (in chronological order from degree onwards):………………………………………………………………………………………..
9. Professional experience (in chronological order):……………………………………………………………………………………….
10. Research and teaching experience (years only):……………………………………..
11. Area of R&D and specialization:…………………………………………………..
12. Publications (mention here numbers only and attach the full list)
i) Patents :……………………………………………………………
ii) Books :……………………………………………………………
iii) Review & Policy Papers:………………………………………..
iv) Chapters in the Books &Proceedings:…………………………..
v) Original Research Papers (SCI journal only) :…………………..
vi) Research Communications in International conf/symposia:
vii) Research Communications in National conf/symposia
13. Awards/honours/distinctions (attach separate sheet):
14. List two most important publications and attach reprints (attach separate sheet, if necessary).
Indicate impact factor of the papers in the year of publication.
15. Highlights of the activity profile of the nominee (attach separate sheet; maximum 500 words)
16. Has the nominee consented to apply for the award (it is expected that proposer has obtained consent of the nominee for the nomination)?
17. Educational qualifications: Bachelor Degree onwards (enclose copy of degree/mark-sheet)
18. Work experience (in chronological order).
19. Total Research Experience: …………………………………………………..
20. Awards/any other academic achievements: ……………………………………
21. Any fellowship/award/benefit taken from MPCST earlier (full details)………….
22. List of Publication (Pl Enclose separate sheet)
23. Title of the proposed Training/Research……………………………
24. Enclose a brief summary not exceeding 500 words of research work done so far and future mplan for selected field of study.
25. Proposed duration of training: (….) months
26. Name of R&D Institutions in order of priority where the candidate would like to work under giving reasons thereof (enclose proof of acceptance).


The Candidate must be the life member of Multidimensional Educational Technical and Research Society.
1, The award is to be given to the Scientists and researchers working in any institution in the country and abroad for original and outstanding research contributions made primarily in the field of Science and Technology .The nominations may be supported by the original research work done for the greater good of the humanity with contribution to the Science and Technology.
2, The age of the candidate must be below 40 years as on 31st December of the awarding year. Candidates have to submit date of birth certificate as age proof along with abstract.
3, The original research work submitted by the nominee should not have been presented for any similar award elsewhere.
4, In case of a joint research work, the applicant for award shall furnish a No Objection Certificate from other contributors for application. If NOC is not available then the affidavit may be submitted by the applicant indicating the same.
5, The nominee should be referred by at least 3 authorities including Head of any research organization.
6, The award will be given based on the bonafideresearch work on any aspects of Poultry science carried out by the candidate.
7, The research work / candidate once awarded will not be considered further.
8, If no suitable candidate in a particular year is found deemed fit for the award,the committee shall have the power not to confer the award for the particular year.
9, No TA/DA will be given to the candidate for receiving the award and its presentation in the annual conference of society.
10, The award shall carry a certificate, a memento and a cash prize of Rs.000000 only.
11, The awards will be given annually, two or more on each area of the field of Science and Technology.
12, The candidate should be Indian nationals and The work should have been done in India.
13, Selected nominees will be required to make a brief presentation about his/her research work/contributionbefore the Advisory Committee.
14, Area proposed by the candidate should be in line with the chosen area (published along with announcement of fellowship each year).
15, The applicant can either be a Student’s / Research Scholar/Post-Doctoral Fellow working in the field of Science and Technology.
16, Each nominee is required to make a brief presentation (10 minutes) about his/her research work before the concerned Committee on the Conference. This may be followed by 5 minutes’ question-answer session /discussion.
17, Application should include the declaration form, a copy of the abstract to be presented at the conference, proof of age and a brief CV should be submitted to President of the Society.

Contribution made by the nominee to strengthen the Multidimensional Educational Technical and Research Society (applicable for the Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Child /Young Scientist / DrSarwapaliiradha Krishna Best teacher Awards / Life-Time Achievement / Certificate of Appreciation / Best Authors, Awards/ (Senior Faculty/Young Faculty) Best Article Representation Awards/ Talent Search Examination Awards/ Best Demonstration Awards/ Seminar Conference Certification/ Membership Certification Etc. Give a brief statement, or bulleted points on your contribution for the growth and strengthening the Society such as enrolling new members, organizing Society conferences, managing activities of Units (specify your contribution), etc.


i. The Award comprises a certificate, a cash award of Rs…………….. (Rupees one lakh only) and a memento or plaque.
ii. The award certificate shall indicate the title of research work papers / Articles along with all names of contributors, if any, in the same sequence as given in the work.

Number of Award

The number of award to be made in any year will be limited to minimum two or more than two.

Presentation of the medal

The presentation of Medal to selected awardee will be made by the President or chief guest Scientist or related field, of the Society during the Anniversary General Meeting of the Academy in year

Nature of the Award

The award is exclusively meant for individual Child /young scientists. The award carries a certificate andmementos which are given during the society sponsored conference.

Procedure of Selection and Award

1, Merit (%of marks Graduation onwards)
2, Recognized achievements (fellowship/Merit scholarship/Gold medal/Awards / Acclaims)
3, List of Books chapter/s or book/s published / reviews written
4, List of patents taken
5, Details of Commercialization of the Technologies developed along with names of the Industries by which the technology(ies) has(ve) been used (give production figures of the contribution)
6, Details of Research Papers /Technical reports published in National& international Conferences.
7, Details of work & Peer reviewed national and international indexed journals /Books where your work has been cited /referred.
8, Contributions to S&T Development during the past five years based on the original research work done& achievements of the nominee & its impact to the society.
9, Critical assessment report bringing out the importance of significant research and development contribution of the nominee as evidenced by publications.

Procedure for Submission of Nominations

1, Properly enclosed four sets of Applications /Nominations duly filled up in the prescribed format in bound form with full particulars & documents supporting scientific contributions along with a soft copy & duly recommended by the host institute on the prescribed format & clearly specifying the discipline of the Award for which he/she wishes to apply & accompanied by following documents/enclosures must be sent in registered sealed cover marked “Nomination for Award for the year …….." to the President of the Society.
2, Permanent resident Certificate (attested copy)
3, D.O.B Certificate (attested copy)
4, Degree Certificates Graduation on wards(attested copies)
5, Proof of holding regular position in a Government/Semi Government / recognized institution (Public and Private) or a working scientist under a fellowship Programme or Project in any recognized Research & Development Institution.
6, Detailed statement of original research work done /innovations & achievements of the nominee in the area of Science/Technology/ Engineering disciplines & its impact to the society in Lucknow U.P.
7, Critical assessment report in about 500 words on the prescribed format from the designated nominating authorities giving details of original research & development contributions of the nominee to the Science and Technology or Technology development during the last five years as evidenced by publications
8, Testimonials from three referees
9, Nomination forms incomplete in any way, or received after the last date or self – nominations will be summarily rejected.
10,Details& Prescribed formats can be down loaded from the Society website www.multidpublication.inunder Advertisement.

Nomination Procedure

Nominations for the award will be invited by Society through its website and national/regional dailies.
Information regarding the nomination should be sent by the candidate as per the prescribed proforma on or before the closing date (as notified every year).
Emails will be sent to educational institutions via Society.

How to Apply

Nominations addressed to Secretary/President, Multidimensional Educational Technical and Research Society Lucknow Uttar Pradesh pin (226026) should be sent as per the prescribed proforma (original or shoft copies or) latest by awards year A CD/DVD/USB flash drive is also required (if applicable) containing digital photograph or scan copy (in JPEG format), duly filled proforma and significant publications (in PDFformat) of the nominee. The details of the name of Award and the prescribed proforma for nomination may be obtained from above address or may also be downloaded from website: www.multidpublication.inor also can send via email at .The application should be sent in an envelope super scribed “Application/ Nomination for Award name scheme” by registered / speed post.